Beginning with an extensive community-wide visioning phase for the project, the process of implementing the project will progress through four distinct phases.
Community Visioning
Set the project criteria.
This phase will set the project criteria by outlining what the community sees this project becoming. Residents, neighbors, business owners, developers, schools, parks, non-profit agencies and more will collectively take part in identifying the areas of opportunity and concern along the Parkway route. This public engagement phase will help the City zero in on a list of specific goals for the project to achieve, as well as planning and development recommendations for properties in the periphery of the Parkway.
This phase will include a series of community engagement events, presentation tour, and a City-wide survey.
Develop Concept
Propose the project direction.
Proof of Concept
Set the project direction.
Project Delivery
Deliver a high-quality project – on time and on budget.
What is the Design-Build project delivery method?
How does it compare to Design-Bid-Build?
The City’s traditional approach for construction projects involves either City staff or an engineering consultant to develop the design plans. Then, the plans are made available to the contracting industry to submit bids for construction. The lowest responsive bid wins the contract. The Design-Build approach enables the designer and contractor to work together in development of the best buildable plans for construction. Construction work begins as the pieces of the design are ready. This overlapping of design and construction reduces the overall delivery schedule to achieve the end product faster.