The Grant Avenue Parkway corridor improvement project is more than just a street project. The four goals of the project include improving transportation, economic development, neighborhood revitalization as well as quality of life for those located directly along this corridor and for Springfield citizens as a whole.
In late 2020 through early 2021, the City of Springfield and Forward SGF comprehensive plan consultants, Houseal Lavigne, developed a Grant Avenue Corridor Plan intended to help guide the creation of future development and zoning code amendments that will impact the experience and beautification of public and private properties along the Parkway route.
Approved by City Council in March, 2021, this plan includes recommendations and strategies to encourage the creation of unique places and individualized identity along the Parkway, with an emphasis on new development being designed at a pedestrian scale. Learn more about the Grant Avenue Corridor Plan.
In early 2022, the City engaged planning consultants with PGAV to conduct a qualifications analysis of portions of the Parkway to help identify what areas qualify for a variety of economic development and neighborhood revitalization tools. Learn more about the qualifications analysis process.